What up mans and womans,
We have an art show this weekend at First Amendment Gallery in NE MPLS.We will be displaying some things and drawings and Michael Gaughan is showing drawings.It's Saturday July 12, 7-10. Brother and Sister & Mean Beep will be playing musical instruments.We made a new book while we were in SF called "Don't Ever Die" and we'll have some copies of that as well.We also have two new shirts. One is brown and one is black, one says Cypress Hill and one doesn't.Burlesque printed the poster (image attached) and it looks sweet.Ummmm. That's it. Swing by. It would be nice to see you all. Seriously.
Sincelery,Aaron, Crystal & Eric
The Serious Art opening party, which includes musical performances by Gaughan and members of Hardland/Heartland, takes place on Saturday, July 12, 7 – 10 pm. Admission is free. First Amendment Art is at 1101 Stinson Blvd (in basement rooms A & B) in Northeast Minneapolis.
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